Sheep Dip with Raising the Baa
Discover how to keep your team engaged, happy, connected and productive - with and without the help of sheep. Easy to digest interviews Head Shepherd Chris and'Top Dog' Caroline - co-founders of Raising the Baa, global leaders in team building with sheep.
Sheep Dip with Raising the Baa
In team building, I is for....?
What struck ewe most from this episode - and why?
Interested? Tune in and find out.
Our aim as ever is to help you take your team to the next level - and this podcast series picks up on all the themes that have been fed back to us by our clients in their reviewing sessions.
Each episode of our A-Z series of team building lasts around 10 minutes - just right for a (sheep)dip into each of the topics.
Expect plenty of sheep/shepherd/dog references from Head Shepherd and Founder of Raising the Baa, Chris Farnsworth, in these short and lively conversations with Paul Warriner, our Lead Facilitator.
Enjoy - and thank ewe for listening :-)
FREE resource:
Sheep, Shepherd or Dog - which one are ewe? Take our personality quiz and find out.
Connect with the Speakers via LinkedIn:
Paul Warriner - The Recognition Coach and Lead Facilitator, Raising the Baa
Chris Farnsworth - Head Shepherd and Co-Founder, Raising the Baa
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