Sheep Dip with Raising the Baa
Discover how to keep your team engaged, happy, connected and productive - with and without the help of sheep. Easy to digest interviews Head Shepherd Chris and'Top Dog' Caroline - co-founders of Raising the Baa, global leaders in team building with sheep.
99 episodes
Workplace Wellness - Emma Hossack, Glow at Work
In her own words Emma Hossack is "a recovering perfectionist" having burnt out not once but twice, after each of her children were born whilst juggling a high octane pharmaceutical sale...
Season 8
Episode 3
Workplace Wellness - Lizzie Benton, Liberty Mind UK
Lizzie Benton describes herself as a 'progressive culture coach'. Her business Liberty Mind helps its clients to adopt an alternative way...
Season 8
Episode 2
Workplace Wellness - with Sally Tanski & Shahani Jayesinghe of Talogy
In this first episode of our new season we're delighted to welcome not one but two guests. Both are consultants at Talogy, which combines psychology and technology to help or...
Season 8
Episode 1

Workplace Wellness - with Ngozi Weller, Aurora Wellness Group
Good Mental Health is Good Business.So says the brochure of Aurora Wellness Group, co-founded by culture change strategist Ngozi Weller with psychologist and behavioural change s...
Season 7
Episode 5
Workplace Wellness - with Michelle Reid, Director of Performance Culture and Delivery, IOM
Two big themes come through loud and clear to us in our interview with this week's guest:PURPOSE and ASKING Michelle Reid is Director of P...
Season 7
Episode 4
Workplace Wellness - with Carolyn Hobdey
Having left her corporate HRD career in 2020, Carolyn Hobdey is passionate about improving workplace culture - or community as she prefers to call it - through human-centred leadership.
Season 7
Episode 3
Workplace Wellness - with Flick Wileman, Reckitt
Welcome back to this season of SheepDip - themed Workplace Wellness.With a different expert on each show, you will be inspired by their insights and walk away with practical advice on how to create a healthy, sustainable culture for tea...
Season 7
Episode 2

Workplace Wellness - with Anastasia Vinnikova, City Mental Health Alliance
Welcome to the 7th season of SheepDip - themed Workplace Wellness.With a different expert on each show, you will be inspired by their insights and walk away with practical advice on how to create a healthy, sustainable culture for teams...
Season 7
Episode 1

In team building, XYZ are for ...?
The final episode in our series, The A-Z of Team Building, covers topics beginning with X (ish), Y or Z - all rolled into one show as you might imagine.We've had a blast with this series which was inspired by the many lessons learned by...
Season 6
Episode 24
In team building, W is for....?
The penultimate episode in our series, The A-Z of Team Building, covers topics beginning with W relating to the importance of:- all members of a team being supported - creating a judgement-free environment- including everyone in the...
Season 6
Episode 23
In team building, V is for....?
Our series, The A-Z of Team Building, continues with topics beginning with V including:- one of THE greatest influencers on the development of a team and its journey to success- different perspectives being essential for so many reasons...
Season 6
Episode 22
In team building, U is for....?
In the shepherding world and at Raising the Baa we find U a perplexing letter to use, as its pronunciation describes a female sheep. And for those who are familiar with our communications it is apparent that we substitute EWE for U more o...
Season 6
Episode 21
In team building, T is for... ?
Er... team?Would be churlish for us to say otherwise!In the shepherding world the team comprises the shepherd and their dog, or for those with larger flocks, their dogs. This epitome of a trusty team is at the heart of a...
Season 6
Episode 20
In team building, S is for....? (our competition continues)
.... need we ask? Sheep quite naturally. Well in our world yes, but what do they have to do with team building? Have you ever seen how a flock works together? Sheep are not just followers - they can be pioneers, leaders,...
Season 6
Episode 19
BONUS EPISODE - 7 Teamwork Lessons From Our Alpine Fundraising Challenge
Recently (October 2022) the co-founders of Raising the Baa, Chris and Caroline, were in the French Alps.They were two of a team of 7 randomly mixed people all with one purpose: 'helping young people climb past anxiety' in a fund-raising...

In team building, R is for.... ?
... Raising the Baa of course!And indeed we aim to raise the 'baa' in every aspect of teamwork.In this episode we cover R themes which:- improve productivity- make optimum use of resources- help move the team towards...
Season 6
Episode 18
In team building, Q is for.... ? (our competition continues)
Quite honestly, we struggled initially with this letter.It transpires however that there's one or two really good topics from which to draw insights.In this series, the A-Z of team building was inspired by the many lessons...
Season 6
Episode 17
In team building, P is for....? (plus competition)
Provocative perhaps? In this episode a couple of the themes beginning with P might seem a little negative in relation to building a strong team. As with so many aspects of team dynamics however it's about balanc...
Season 6
Episode 16
In team building, O is for....? (plus competition!)
O...MG, there's so many! From Observing through Outstanding to Opinions, plus a few others too. How can each of these help to develop a team into a baa-rilliantly collaborative and super successful one? Each episod...
Season 6
Episode 15
In team building, N is for... ?
Into the 2nd half of the alphabet now with our A-Z series of all things team building, so we figured we'd celebrate with a competition.And there will be opportunities to win EVERY month! More on this further on...This podc...
Season 6
Episode 14
In team building, M is for....?
Mountains? Er, not specifically. Though they are the reason we took a week's break half-way through this A-Z series of Team Building. Raising the Baa co-founders Chris Farnsworth and Caroline Palmer, alongside a team o...
Season 6
Episode 13
In team building, L is for....?
Love! Who'd have thought? Yep, this is the theme we first discuss in this episode. But in what sense? Possibly not what you might expect...This podcast series picks up on all the themes that have been fed back to...
Season 6
Episode 12
In team building, K is for....?
King. What else for the time of releasing this episode (2 days after the State Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II)?King Charles III has HUGE shoes to fill and without his team, more commonly called his entourage, around him, he would b...
Season 6
Episode 11